Saturday, August 18, 2012

The scoop on The LCMS church plant in North Liberty, IA

There has been much interest from congregations in Iowa District East to keep up with what's happening with the church plant in North Liberty.  This blog should meet that need.  I plan to update it as events warrant.

So what's happened so far?

On May 2nd, 2012 I received a call to St. Paul's Lutheran Chapel in Iowa city to serve as Assistant Pastor and church planter in North Liberty.  Toward the end of May my family visited North Liberty to look for a house.  During that time I also interviewed on film for the promotional video, which can be viewed at this link:  We did find a house and moved in at the end of June.  During our move-in I stopped by the Iowa District East Convention to speak briefly concerning St. Silas.

On  July 1 I was ordained into the Office of the Holy Ministry at St. Paul's Lutheran Chapel.  Work in North Liberty began immediately.  I have been getting a feel for the community by spending time at the Community Center, coffee shops, and attending City Council meetings.  As I've visited other area LCMS churches many helpful congregants have given me other invaluable insights.  I have made it a point to meet with other local clergy in North Liberty, first simply to get to know them, second to make it clear that I'm not here to play the sheep-stealing game, and third to learn some of the struggles of being a Christian congregation in North Liberty.  They have all been extremely welcoming and helpful, so it's good that we as The LCMS are not seen as competition.  I have also been making contact with people who are moving to North Liberty from other areas and are looking for an LCMS congregation.  This is a very useful way to get some members who are LCMS without having to take people away from other congregations.  One of my biggest concerns is not hurting Prince of Peace in Coralville, Our Redeemer in Iowa City, or St. Paul's in Iowa City by taking members.  On the one hand I don't want to steal people for St. Silas, on the other hand we need some Lutherans to start a Lutheran church.  I have been in conversation with the pastors of these churches to discuss the best way to plant St. Silas without uprooting another congregation.  They have been helpful, and we are confident that St. Silas can be planted in North Liberty without hurting our neighbors.  All the congregations I've had contact with have been very welcoming and eager to help in any way they can.  It is very encouraging to see the whole District coming together to support a new mission plant.  There are naturally many more details and stories, and if I typed them all then there would be nobody planting a church in North Liberty.

So how can you help continue this work in North Liberty?  Right now the most valuable resource for me is contacts.  It seems everyone knows someone who is moving to North Liberty.  A big transition like moving a family is the perfect time for other transitions, like going back to church or finding a new LCMS congregation that's in town.  If you have someone I could contact to invite to St. Silas, particularly someone who is coming from another LCMS congregation that, due to distance, they will no longer be attending, e-mail me their contact info at  Include name, e-mail, phone number, or address, as much as you can give.  And please make sure to let them know that I will be contacting them.  The personal connection between you, them, and St. Silas is very important and will give them more reason to listen to me when I invite them.  While we are not yet meeting for services, we hope to be soon and the more people we can start with, the better.

Thank you for your interest.  I'll post again in due time.

In Christ

Pastor Andrew Richard

St. Silas Lutheran Church
and coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you as you begin work in North Liberty.
