Sunday, March 17, 2013

General Update

During the announcements after service on the Fifth Sunday in Lent
St. Silas has been gathered for services every Sunday since February 3rd, plus Ash Wednesday.  We also had the opportunity to begin a Bible class before the Divine Service.  We've been studying the book of Acts during Lent, our last class on Acts being next Sunday.  This morning we read the account of Eutychus in Acts 20:7-12, where the young man falls from the third floor window as Paul is preaching and Paul raises him back to life.  John Chrysostom, bishop of Ephesus in the fourth century, had a marvelous comment concerning this passage: "But observe, I beseech you, so fervent was their zeal, that they even assembled in a third loft: for they had not a church yet" (Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles, Homily XLIII).  Being gathered on the third floor in a borrowed chapel we could not help but feel like this comment had been recorded just for us.  Fortunately no one fell to their death this morning.  During the season of Easter we will be studying the book of Daniel.
During Bible class on the Fifth Sunday in Lent, studying Paul's third journey
We have not yet exceeded the fire code limit on the room, but things are feeling rather full.  I have not been counting each Sunday as it's very easy to rely on numbers to track success.  I can say we've had over twenty people consistently, sometimes closer to thirty, but I have no idea beyond that.  My boast is that without gimmicky programs, without watering down the Gospel, without conforming to this world Jesus has gathered his Church as he promised through the means by which he has promised to work, namely his Word and Sacraments.  This is no accomplishment on our part since we have done none of the things the world says would work.  The blessing we have received is clearly not our own doing, but Christ's.

This past Thursday my wife and I invited the congregation to our home for a Lenten hymn sing.  I accompanied on guitar and took requests from those present.  It was a very nice time, we sang until our vocal chords ached, and we filled the living room with song and hot air.  After everyone left the heat didn't kick on for quite some time.

We have begun discussion of confirmation as we now have two young men and a young lady who are ready to receive instruction.  We are still working on getting a storefront.  The first location we were looking at ended up costing more than initially indicated and so we had to stop pursuing it.  However, we have found another very good option and are waiting to hear back from the owner to begin negotiations.  Today the congregation also decided to support a seminary student.  We don't want to simply see ourselves as the mission and take no part in other mission work.  Rather we want to be involved with mission work in our community, district, Synod, and the world.

Much has been happening here in North Liberty and I hope you see that your prayers on our behalf are being answered.

In Christ

Pastor Andrew Richard

St. Silas Lutheran Church